
Faith Baptist Church is what people envision when they think of a small, country church.  Founded in 2002, our “Family” has focused on growing together in our individual and our corporate relationship with Christ.  We want to offer our acceptance, assistance and support to anyone seeking to find purpose, joy and peace in this world we live in.  It is our conviction and belief that following Jesus Christ is the only way in which to accomplish this and the experiences of our church family have proven this over and over again throughout our lives.  We are believers who have walked through fire and come out the other side only through the Love and support of God and each other.

We believe every member has a job to do in the church and that no job is more important than any other.  That the men who mow and weed-eat are as important to God’s purpose as is the pastor, that the single mom fixing snacks for VBS is as vital as the outreach director.  We believe that our adult’s interaction with our children is not only fun for both groups but required by the word of God.  We believe that God loves both traditional and contemporary music and provides blessings to His people when they glorify Him with either.

We believe in relationships not programs and we believe that being small in numbers does not mean being small in vision or accomplishment.  We have and will continue to seek out God’s great vision for our church and we understand that no vision is too big when we follow Him.

Charlie Loper

5 Responses to Home

  1. David Cox says:

    This little church is the best church experience I have ever had. From the moment I walked in the door, I felt at home. What a blessing!

  2. David Cox says:

    Years have passed, and I have moved to another community. Still, my heart calls Faith Baptist Church home and her congregation family.

  3. Bradley Ward says:

    Jesus was in this place this morning

  4. Rocky Schmied says:

    It was a pleasure to be with you all on September 17th. We felt welcomed and enjoyed visiting with people. We have discussed Pastor Charlie’s message many times of the Biblical truth and its application to everyday living.
    Thank you again and we look forward to revisiting you all.

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