Learning God’s Word

Our Sunday School time begins at 9:45am each Sunday morning.

Adult Sunday School

As a family we believe that:  “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”  (Proverbs 27:17 NIV). Because of this we strive to interact in ways that allow us all to be a part of each others lives.  Our adult class is not age or gender specific. We have 18 year olds through 60+ year olds meeting together and discussing together both the scripture we are seeking to understand and how it applies to our lives.  This brings a broad spectrum of perspective to the table and promotes understanding and respect for all ages.  Futhering that we also want to promote everyone’s growth and gifting so we rotate our teachers on a case by case basis.  Some only teach a single class and others may teach a series that God has laid on their hearts  

Childrens Sunday School

Our Childrens class covers new borns-6year olds and is taught by Debbie Loper.  Debbie has years of experience working with babies and loves to help them have fun in a safe environment.

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